Gratitude Energy Medicine

Energy Medicine is an approach that involves balancing and restoring your body’s natural energies for the purposes of increasing your vitality, strengthening your mental capacities, and optimizing your health. It brings your body back to a state of balance and harmony.

Our bodies are comprised of molecules that are in constant motion and that are continually being influenced by outside forces. People throughout history and across cultures have described seeing or feeling subtle energies.

Energy Medicine

Our bodies are comprised of molecules that are in constant motion and that are continually being influenced by outside forces.

The techniques used and taught are based on the premise that by promoting balance and flow in the body’s electromagnetic and subtle energies, health and well-being are enhanced. The techniques may involve the use of certain postures or movements or touching, holding, pressing upon, tracing, or circling over specified areas of the skin. They move, balance, enhance, and restore the body’s energies. A procedure called “energy testing” may also be employed where light pressure is applied to your outstretched arm. This is a way of assessing how your energies are flowing through specific areas of your body and may help us identify the techniques that will be most beneficial for you. The methods used lend themselves to highly individualized applications in the office as well as to self-care.

Contact Melissa G. Richardson for energy work today.

The Road to GratitudeThe Road to Gratitude

Melissa G Richardson’s journey started from a tired child experiencing headaches, allergies, and rashes as a common occurrence to an adult with a mystery illness for decades that came and went, and eventually an aggressive and irregular skin cancer diagnosis. In The Road to Gratitude, she shares the story of how she was able to transform these things into being a vibrant, happy, healthy fifty-something woman. The book is available at:

Balboa Press

Barnes and Noble
